Saturday, December 10, 2011


QUOTE:     German businessmen and workers should put their differences aside and recognize their racial superiority over other races and nations. After coming to power the Nazis were able to control class struggle by controlling the prices and wages of products and workers. Independent unions were destroyed in favor of a Nazi controlled national union, the German Labor Front (Deutsche Arbeitsfront, DAF).
INTERPRETATION:     My understanding of the quote is that is that the Nazis believed that the economic struggles that Germany was enduring during this time could have been easily resolved by helping the German small business owners and working class people. They began by destroying independent unions and taking control of the German labor with the idea of controlling the inflation that was destroying Germany’s economy. The Nazis believed that these individuals should stop complaining about the economy and government rulings and instead focus on how lucky they were to be Germans. They felt that these individuals should realize that they should be very and happy and fortunate to be German the best race “According to the Nazis” in the world. . The Nazis also felt that the German race and culture was above any other in the world even after the atrocities these people committed to their society and neighboring nations.
I CHOSE THIS QUOTE:    The reason I chose this quote is because I feel that the Nazis should have used another way to better Germany’s economy instead of taking over the country and killing innocent people in order to stabilize their economy. The Nazis began to brain wash these vulnerable individuals by stating that the German race was completely above any other race and that Germany was the best country in the world. By selling these ideas to their society, people began to support their actions and began be part of the Nazis movement and eventually share the same ideology as the Nazi in order to better their economy.

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